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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

Image for Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / On-Campus

Got to the admissions office early to socialize with other applicants. I was lucky enough that two applicants with whom I was talking to ended up in my team, so I had had time to get to know their names and personalities beforehand (we were all wearing name tags regardless).

During the TBD, there were two people with the same main idea so we went with that. Not sure how we would’ve decided on an idea otherwise. Be prepared to answer some basic questions that may come up if your idea is chosen, it can be your time to shine or it can backfire.

In my TBD there were no assigned roles (time keeping and note taking) so we were all accountable for pacing our discussion and did a great job doing so.

All of the participants had fairly strong leader personalities so it was important to not dwindle during the discussion but also not take hold of the conversation. In case it’s not obvious: be nice to other’s contributions no matter how great or bad they may be – it was very awkward when someone was less than polite to someone else’s suggestions or tried to impose their own ideas/opinions.

We were asked to give a final presentation, so at the end of the discussion we all chose a section of the assignment to talk about and then each of us presented.

Both interviewers introduced themselves at the beginning of the TBD, and I didn’t know who I would have my personal interview with. I recommend catching both their names and interests to better prepare. They were not wearing name tags.

Questions asked during the one on one, keep in mind it goes by incredibly quickly:
– Why an MBA and why Wharton?
– What resources and extracurriculars are you looking to get involved in at Wharton that relate to X industry? (We shared the same post-MBA industry interest with my interviewer, something I highlighted when we were sitting down)

Preparing for your UPenn Wharton MBA Admissions Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: