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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

My interview for Wharton was on November 1 (Round 1) over Zoom. This was the TBD interview, and the interview atmosphere was formal. The interviewers were two 2nd-year students (did group TBD exercise, then had a 1-on-1 interview with just 1 of the students). The 1-on-1 interview was only 10 minutes, and just a few questions about my TBD experience: Talk about the TBD experience – What did you think? How do you think you individually contributed the most? How do you think your team did? What went well? What could have been improved?

At the end, she left a few minutes for questions, but it was very short given the entire interview was only 10 minutes. I was surprised that the 1-on-1 interview was focused solely on the TBD, and didn’t ask any questions about me at all. I have not received my admissions decision yet (will come out next week). My advice for future interviewees is to prep for the TBD and also prep some thoughts on what you did well, what team did well, what team could improve on prior to going into the 1-on-1.