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Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Students / On-Campus

Image for Wharton MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Students / On-Campus

The interview was fairly quick and went as explained online. I showed up about half an hour before the scheduled time and interacted with the other students who had also arrived in the admissions office.

When the time came, we were called into a room as a group of 6 for the Team-Based Discussion which followed the pre-posted prompt. It lasted for thirty minutes with one student in each corner of a small conference room while the team had its discussion around the main table.

Then, one of the students pulled each of us aside for a ten minute discussion which only consisted of three questions:
1) Why are you getting an MBA?
2) Why is Wharton a good fit for you?
3) Do you have any questions for me?

It went pretty smoothly and was pretty friendly. The students did not have any knowledge of our individual applications.

Preparing for your UPenn Wharton MBA Admissions Interview? Check out Clear Admit’s other resources: