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Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Was a typical zoom interview. You enter the call at your scheduled time.
Blind interview by a second-year student. Seems randomly chosen, regardless of your background.

1. Took a good 3-4 minutes chit-chatting; talking about football games, travelling
2. Run through the resume, but focus on the work experience
3. Had follow-up questions about my work experience. (Do you manage a team? How many?)
4. What would you change about your organization?
5. What kind of friction do you have with your manager? How to overcome them?
6. Why leave the job you enjoy? What are your goals?
7. Why MBA?
8. How would you get involved at Yale SOM?
9. Any other programs you are looking into?
10. Any questions for me? (only had like 1 minute left…)

Overall, the interview was great. Nothing too out of ordinary. Had good connection with the interviewer. Although I would have preferred in-person, but it was fine. I was accepted with $$$ scholarship.