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Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

The interview is a resume based interview. The student did not know anything about my application other than having access to a resume. There are a set of questions everyone is asked and time for conversation. The interviewer was very nice.

1) Can you tell me about yourself and go thru your resume briefly?
2) Why an MBA and why now?
3) What are your short-term goals and long-term goals?
4) Do you have a backup plan if you do not meet your goals and what are they?
5) Tell me about a time you struggled at a group project and what happened? What did you learn?
6) Tell me about a time you dealt with a different person and how did it change your perspective?
7) Describe your leadership methods and how have they changed over time?
8) What in particular at Yale captures your interest in the program?
9) We have a diverse group of students, how will you contribute to this?
10) Have you talked to any alumni at our program?
11) Do you have any questions?

Most of the questions were expected and were not difficult. If you looked at past reports and understand why you’re applying for school it should be easy to get thru. I think that a student sitting in a common area with people walking by was weird, but it didn’t affect me too much. I think that the interview was fine, but the student didn’t seem as enthusiastic as other students at other programs. That doesn’t affect my choice to apply though.