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Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Yale SOM Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

The interview was with a Y2 student via Zoom. Interviewer was extremely welcoming and friendly, told me it would be a very casual 30min conversation, that she had a list of questions she needed to ask and would be taking notes. We exchanged some casual ice-breakers about CNY. It was standard Yale-style of blind interview (interviewer only had access to resume) and no “tell me about yourself”.

1. I won’t ask you to tell me about your resume. Instead, choose a professional experience that is meaningful to you and talk about what the outcome was. Why was it meaningful to you?
2. Can you tell me about a professional experience when you persuaded someone, or got convinced by someone who had a different perspective from you, and what was the outcome? (talked about experience when I took the suggestion of a colleague who was a year senior of me)
3. As a follow-up, how did you go about that discussion and handle the difference in opinion and power dynamic?
4. Taking a pivot from your professional experience – why do you want to get an MBA? To start, what are your career goals and what motivated you to land at these goals?
5. So how will an MBA support you in achieving these goals? How specifically can Yale help you?
6. Obviously there is more to an MBA than professional aspect. How will you contribute to the community and diversity at Yale?
7. Something that is unique to Yale, we asked you to submit a quote before the interview. Tell me about your quote and how it’s meaningful in the context of your potential experience at Yale.
8. Anything else that you want to add in terms of your candidacy? The answer could be no, but we want to provide the opportunity if there is anything.

Ended the interview with about 8min of my questions (3) for the interviewer. Entire interview lasted about 32min and overall went positively with no curveballs. Very lucky to have had a very friendly and genuine interviewer. Good luck to anyone reading this!