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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Alumni / Round 2

Met with the Yale SOM alumni at a Starbucks in the bay area. We had a light chat for about 1/2 hour. After sitting down, she informed me that this was a casual interaction and Yale mainly wanted to know if I “interviewed well.” (Think of all the interviews we’ll be doing next year during recruitment!) Covered some points on my resume.

  • Why the MBA?
  • Seems you’ve traveled to country X for work. What was your role on the trip?
  • What other schools are you applying to?

My interviewer had a similar background, and we compared notes on many things.

  • Our jobs as engineers, and how we want to transition into a marketing roles.
  • Experiences in sorority life and tying this into life @ Yale SOM.
  • Both going to public schools for college and the difference between public and private schools.
  • What processes we’d like to see implemented into product marketing in our tech industry.
  • Comparing her experiences at my competitor company with mine.
  • Our relationships, what sacrifices/plans she made to follow her fiance to the bay area, and what plans my fiance-to-be and I have post-MBA.

She gave me tons of recruiting tips for the high-tech industry. “A lot of companies don’t go out to New Haven, so you really have to do a lot of external work. You’ll find yourself flying out to the west coast a lot.”

She spoke about Yale’s social life and all the activities she was involved in. She met her fiance (a grad student @ Yale not studying business) at an external event. 🙂 Also explained to me the “Ivy League Connection” among the 8 schools.

We ended on a good note. She was very supportive, telling me that no matter what school I get in she wanted me to keep in touch.