My interview was with an admissions officer in November 2006. She was incredibly nice. The atmosphere was relaxed. It completely threw me off. I went in expecting a hard grilling session and had studied tons of interview questions. That was a mistake. The interview started with a “walk me through your resume” question. Basically, I think I blew it because I was deconstructing other answers in my head and re-forming it as I talked. Not smart on my part because it came out jumbled, or at least I thought so. Time alloted was 30 minutes. We went to 45. Not sure if this is good or bad. She didn’t write a lot of the time. Probably making mental notes. All in all, very pleasant. The interview style I’m told, is characteristic of the school. Very touchy feely, but not in a bad way. After walking her through my story, she didn’t have many questions other than the usual suspects:
1. Why yale? 2. Why now? 3. What do you love about your current job? 4. How do you plan on being involved at Yale?
Too bad. I really liked the school but I think I came off like a fool. Good luck to everyone and remember, be prepared for a hard grilling session or a “soft” open session. Open sessions are tricky, especially if you talk yourself into a hole! As of early Dec 2006, still no word.