I was interviewed by a second-year student, and she was very polite and pleasant. We had a good talk, I think, and we hit 45 minutes before we really realized it. We shared a few laughs, and I think I got most of my points across. In the end, I think it went pretty well, but there were plenty of places for improvement, in hindsight — but isn’t that always the case?
A few things: the interviewer has seen ONLY your resume and not your entire application packet. She even told me this as we began the talk. Also, it was verified by a number of people there that admissions decisions are routinely released before the official January date. There’s no guarantee that you’ll be told early, but it does happen from time-to-time.
The questions were as expected, and none was a surprise: Why MBA? Why Yale? Why now? Why did you pick your undergrad school and your major? Tell me about your work experience. Do you do any community work? What are your hobbies/interests? (I actually forgot to mention one of my biggest passions in life, because I had forgotten it was in my application and not on my resume! So it goes…) Etc, etc.