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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / AdCom / Skype

I recently completed my Yale interview with an AdCom. It was my first interview, so I was a bit nervous about it. I used this website to prepare and it was extremely helpful. Similar to most other people, it was a very friendly and relaxed interview. No stress, no drilling with tough questions. And after having read this website extensively, no surprise questions.

Although it was supposed to last 30 minutes, my interview went on for about 45 minutes. Even though we were above the time limit, I still got to ask several questions and I got pretty extensive answers.

Here are some of the questions I got asked.

  • Why Yale? Why MBA? Why now?
  • What are your long-term goals?
  • Why I picked my particular undergraduate college?
  • How I picked my first post-college job?

We were basically walking through my resume from high school to the present. The interviewer was asking me college and job related questions all centered around why I made those particular choices that I did.

Even though I think the interviewer had a set of questions to ask, it was still very relaxed and much more like a conversation than an interview. It was overall a very nice and unstressful experience.