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Yale SOM MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / On-campus / Second-year Student

We went through my resume in chronological order, starting with my decision to attend school and the majors I chose in college.

There was more focus on my current role.

They also asked about a leadership example and a time I had to work through inter personal conflict.

I was asked “Why an MBA?” I asked him if he meant “Why an MBA, or why a Yale MBA?” and his answer was, “First tell me why an MBA, then we’ll get to why Yale”

The interview lasted 40 minutes, and it went by very fast. My only advice is to be cognizant of the time especially if one’s resume is lengthy. Spending too much time on the early stages of your career severely curtails your ability to go into more detail on your more recent & relevant experience.

It is not easy to go over your resume, interweave your strengths & accomplishments, as well as impress upon your interviewer your passion and knowledge of SOM within 30 minutes. Practice timing!

The attitude of the interviewer was quite relaxed & friendly. He did not ever push back or grill me, but I am sure he was assessing the quality of my answers the entire time.