2:15 PM Interview. Second year student picked me up on time and we walked to the interview room. After general introductions the interviewer talked briefly about the format of the interview, his background and career prior to Yale SOM.
Then I was asked the standard questions –
- Walk me through your resume
- Why MBA?
- Why Yale?
- Tell me about [a certain extracurricular activity on my resume]
- How would you contribute to Yale?
- Any questions?
I asked a question. After the interviewer’s short response he looked at the clock, we had killed less than 15 minutes. The interviewer informed me that if I did not have any further questions we could conclude the interview. I asked another question. We were done in the next couple of minutes and walked back to the admissions office.
It was a very relaxed and friendly interview and although I felt that I had developed a good rapport with the interviewer, I came out of the interview frazzled because of the short duration.
Hindsight: I was told by another first year student that 15 minute interviews by students are not uncommon. Student interviews are viewed as an opportunity for second years to get recruiting/interviewing experience. Regardless be well prepared for the standard questions. Do your research on SOM. Talk to as many alums, admissions ambassadors and club leaders as possible. Show that you have done your research and that your are passionate about Yale.