I scheduled my interview for the late morning and took the train from NYC. The staff in the admissions office were warm and welcoming. The interview itself was held in a small conference room upstairs from the admissions office – my interviewer was a second year student, dressed casually and very low-key in temperament. As I recall, the questions were:
What did you do for fun in college? Why did you pick that college and why that major?
Your work history is pretty broad – walk me through the major experiences you’ve had since college. (We then drilled into a couple items to get at the impact my actions had in specific projects and how difficult it was to get certain things done).
Why MBA? Why Yale? I discussed the fit of the curriculum with my experience and general outlook, and specific examples of classes, clubs, and professors I was interested in.
I was asked about my hobbies and what I’m currently reading, and then I asked him several questions building off the “why Yale” themes I had discussed.
The interview style was fairly conversational – not many discrete questions, as you can see, and the interviewer was happy to interject with his own experiences where they were relevant and share details on classes and professors he had enjoyed. He referred to my resume and wrote notes in the margins as well as on his own paper, which I noticed he had divided into a four-part plot, presumably for different types of information or perspective. He cut off a couple answers to focus in on something I had mentioned, but in a very straightforward way, to get information rather than signal that I was rambling.
All told the conversation lasted 45 minutes and then he walked me back down to the main office.