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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom

Image for Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumnus / Zoom

Was a pretty good interview.
Fairly structured and to the point. Lasted exactly 30 minutes (including questions that I had).
The interviewer was an alum who graduated this year (in 2024).

Started off with him sharing some details like how he would be taking notes and how the interview report that he sends will be one additional data point that will be considered in the application, but the result will look at the application holistically (seemed as though stakes of the interview were not too high).

The following were the questions:

1. He said that he has seen my resume and so I don’t need to give a walkthrough, but instead share a professional accomplishment that I am most proud of.

2. Tell me about a time (TMAT) when you had to work with a difference of opinion.

3. What are your goals and what drives it?

4. Why do you want to do an MBA? [In my answer I mentioned why an MBA specifically from Yale is beneficial to me, so he did not ask any why Yale question separately]

5. How will you contribute to the Yale community?

6. You mentioned this quote [he read it out loud] in the pre interview prompt, why is this quote important to you?

Then he asked if I had any questions for him and we discussed about Yale SOM for about 10 minutes.