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Yale SOM MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-year student / On-campus

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There was a full day of events with other prospective students who had been invited to interview. There was a current student panel, mini-classes / lectures given by professors, and an SOM as well as Yale University campus tour. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming.

My interview was with a 2nd year student which seemed to be the standard for the on-campus interviews. It lasted 30 minutes but we talked informally after for about another 15.

I think they try and standardize the interview questions as much as possible with so many going on at once because my interviewer told me she had list to get through (on the form she filled out as we went). Despite the formality of the the questions I felt the interview was a good conversation surrounding:

  • why an MBA
  • why now
  • how I’ve dealt with particularly challenging situations at work
  • specifically why SOM and what I had done to learn more about their program.

Ultimately I was accepted with an merit scholarship.

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