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March 5, 2020 6:40am ET
Note about All Schools
Round: Round 3
Received via n/a
Standardized Test: I haven't taken any of the standardized tests yet.

You think CoVid is going to affect international students acceptance at all? Since schools cancelled all nonessential international travel for current students, is there chance US schools are inclined not to take students from affected areas since there might be issues with entering the country from those regions? Who knows how many countries will have it within next 2-3 months as the infection rate does not seem to slow down? I can see Trump(state department) banning any entry for non-us citizens from affected regions and it might make sense not to take chance on foreign students as they might not be able to enter the country? How would that affect already accepted students r2-r1? Like School cannot so anything if state Department bans all the travel and at this rate I might see this happening since he infection is spreading like fire

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