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April 6, 2021 6:42am ET
Note about All Schools
Round: Early Decision
Received via n/a
Standardized Test: I haven't taken any of the standardized tests yet.

It was a really tough year for applicants. Congratulations to all those who got in.
I am thinking about reapplying for the next year. Based on the trends, does anyone have any predictions or ideas how the next admission cycle will be, vis-à-vis the app volumes?
Given the rebound in economy and rapid pace of vaccination, especially in USA, things are expected to mostly return to normal, which in turn might see a downward shift in volumes, based on historical trends. But if last year has taught us anything, it's that you can't predict anything. Though I am absolutely curious to see what the collective wisdom of the populace here says. Any and all inputs are highly appreciated.
Thank you!

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