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August 20, 2024 8:48am ET
Accepted from Waitlist to Cornell / Johnson
Round: Round 3
Received via email on July 21, 2024
GPA: 3.85
Program Type: Traditional Two-Year
Post MBA Career Name: General Management
Application Location: Dallas, TX

Even better! From USA, went to T30 uni (STEM major), and my college program is ranked T5. I was an undergrad trying to skip deferred enrollment. I successfully obtained test waivers for 8 different T25 MBA programs. I got rejected or waitlisted from 7 of them. Now, I was accepted off my last waitlist! With a generous merit-based scholarship! My strategy: submitted an email in mid-July giving urgency to my offer from WashU Olin with a scholarship. I reiterated my interest in the program, advancing Cornell's core mission, and who I was. I gently reminded them the deadline for accepting WashU's offer was in a few days and needed a quick response. I forwarded the email twice before they responded, saying they acknowledged receiving the email and would not expedite the decision. A few days later, on July 22nd, I got an email asking if I was still interested in remaining on the waitlist after the WashU deadline passed. I instantly responded by expressing my interest in staying. A few hours later, I received an acceptance email from Cornell! I guess my dream of getting the MBA program over with is not for nothing! I want to build startups, thus waiting to get one is not so important, and I am not interested in finance either. Thank you again ClearAdmit community for all the applicant tips and tricks!

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