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June 3, 2020 1:19am ET
Note about Harvard Business School
Round: Round 2
Received via n/a
Standardized Test: I haven't taken any of the standardized tests yet.

What are peoples' thoughts on this, seems like it is pretty unexpected and may disappoint a lot of people on waitlists across M7 and other schools. My thoughts below:

1. Harvard set out with this deferral offer expecting a very small number would take them up on it. Receiving more than 200 deferral requests was unplanned and 'backfired' on them

2. PR is key here. I don't think they will only accept 20 students off the waitlist, though I don't think the number will be 200 either. For all we know the "about 700" students enrolling could be closer to 650 and about 720 could end up being closer to 750. Maybe that is wishful thinking on my part

3. Really surprised to see HBS build up an oversized waitlist and then decide not to enroll a full class and having trouble seeing the logic in it from their perspective. They are also leaving money on the table, which is ironic since they were quick to jump on the opportunity for government money back in April (I realize they have since returned it)

4. If you have 200+ deferrals now spread across the next 2 classes, they will either reduce the intake of new acceptances in those years, or have to expand those classes. So you'll have a 2022 class of 720 and potentially a 2023 class of 1120?

Anyways, curious to get the view of others on this situation, HBS's motivation to not enroll a full class while building up a huge waitlist and how this will impact movement of waitlists across other schools.

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