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Florida Warrington MBA Essay Tips 2024-2025

florida mba essay tips

The following essay tips cover the Florida Warrington MBA application essays for the 2024-2025 admissions season. You can also review essay topic analyses for all other leading MBA programs as well as general essay tips to further aid you in developing your admissions essays.

Florida Warrington MBA Admissions Essay Tips 2024-2025

Let’s take a closer look at each prompt. Note, 5,500 characters is between 785 words and 1,375 words.

Essay 1

Describe how you would like to see your career develop. Explain how your academic background, prior professional experience, and the UF MBA will help you achieve your career goals. If your career goals are international or you are an international student, please include as part of your career plan in what country or region you plan to seek employment following completion of the program. (5,500 characters)
This is a straightforward career goals essay, asking applicants to articulate their post-MBA career objectives, define why they need an MBA, and to comment on why the Florida Warrington makes sense for them for their future careers.

While on one hand, it could work to directly address each prompt in order, establishing your long-term goal first would lend meaning to your short-term plans, interest in an MBA and UF from the outset. Think of it like having a map with the end destination already established—the reader will know where you are heading from the start and, therefore, have a foundation to understand the richer reasoning behind the path. You may therefore begin with a brief mention of long-term plans. Then, identify the function or job title you plan to pursue after business school, as well as your target industry and perhaps one or two target organizations. This position should be a logical first step toward a longer-term role that you hope to hold 10 or so years after your MBA.

It would also make sense to include a few sentences about how your academic and work experience has prepared you for these future roles, to set up the explanation of the gap in your skills and knowledge that you still need to gain in order to move successfully along this path.  Detailed treatment of the ways specific elements of the UF MBA program would help you to bridge the gap between your current skill set and their future plans.

To get as much mileage as possible out of this essay, you should aim to develop a very detailed response that explains how lessons from key classes and participation in certain student organizations will position you to accomplish your professional objectives. The adcom will also be interested in hearing about how you see yourself contributing to the community and enhancing the experience of other students, so naming some events that you would like to help organize or a club you would hope to lead will also bolster your case. An in-depth review of the program website, conversations with current students and alumni, or visits to campus, are all viable sources of the information you’ll need here.

Essay 2

Full-Time MBA Applicants Only – Describe a success you achieved due to self-motivation, persistence, and hard work. What motivated you? (5,500 characters)
This is an opportunity to not only shed some light on your relevant personal or professional history, but to also paint a picture of how you would fit at the UF MBA program.

One potential structure here could be opening with a simple statement of what motivates you. This then would be backed up by personal or professional examples in which you overcame a specific challenge (drawing on self-motivation, persistence and hard work). The STAR method may help you efficiently convey your story:

  • Situation – Set the stage or identify the situation and related challenge.
  • Action – Describe the actions you took, particularly in overcoming the given challenge.
  • Outcome – Summarize the successful result and how you demonstrated motivation, persistence and hard work.

Whether you choose personal or professional examples, be sure to demonstrate your growth. The adcom is looking for how you respond to adversity—they want to know that you are tough and can handle the rigorous MBA coursework and demanding project work, all while engaging your classmates and contributing to the community.

Keep in mind that this all needs to lead to how you will be a successful UF student. How you plan to draw on UF’s offerings should have been covered in Essay 1; however, if there is a specific feature or features of the program that match the theme you develop in this essay, it is worth mentioning. Perhaps there is a club activity or particular professor who you feel could best guide you through overcoming a given challenge (and thereby show persistence).

Florida Warrington MBA Essay Tips: Optional Essay

Please share any additional information you think will assist the admissions committee in evaluating your application to the UF MBA Program. (5,500 characters)
This is a relatively lengthy optional essay and, therefore, may seem more inviting. However, you’ll want to consider some questions before launching into a response. Applicants should take a conservative approach to this response, including only information, e.g. gaps in employment, a misrepresentative academic record, etc., that you believe warrants the extra item it will require for a reader to review.