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London Business School MBA Recommendation Questions

The London Business School application for the MBA program requires one professional reference, preferably from a current or former supervisor. It should be someone who knows you well in a work context, for example, a former employer or long-standing client. If you don’t want to ask your employer to be a referee, a colleague is acceptable. The London Business School recommendation questions for the current admission season are available below.

2024-2025 London Business School MBA Recommendation Questions

Confirm contact details

Are you an alumna/alumnus of London Business School or connected with the institution in any way? If so please tell us which class or who you are connected with.

Recommender Comments

Please answer the following questions regarding the applicant, making sure to save your work regularly.

As a guideline for completing the reference form you should aim to write no more than 500 words per question. Please note that 500 words is the maximum amount and not a requirement.

  1. How do the applicant’s performance, potential and personal qualities compare to those of other individuals in similar roles?
  2. What do you think this person might be doing in ten years’ time? Why?

london business school recommendation

Recommender Rating

Please rate the applicant, comparing them with other members of his or her peer group, on the qualities listed below using the following scoring system: 1 = High, 3 = Average, 5 = Low.

  • Intellectual or academic ability
  • Quantitative skills
  • Initiative/ability to make decisions
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Organisational skills
  • Leadership skills
  • Team skills
  • Impact/charisma
  • Self confidence
  • Self motivation
  • Spoken English communication skills
  • Written English communication skills

Please indicate your overall recommendation on a five point score from (1) Highly Recommended to (5) Not Recommended