Saïd Business School – University of Oxford

Saïd Business School, part of Oxford University, is located in the university town of Oxford in England. The school offers a one-year, full-time MBA programme, as well as a two-year dual-degree option, the Oxford 1+1 MBA. Oxford Saïd also offers an Executive MBA programme. Saïd Business School is recognized for the opportunities it offers in the wider Oxford University, its international community of professors and students, and its emphasis on combining rigorous academic training with practical experience.
What is the tuition for the Oxford MBA program?
The tuition for the Oxford MBA program is £83,770 per year.
What is the average GMAT score for admission to the Oxford MBA program?
The median GMAT score for the incoming class at Oxford Saïd is 680. Oxford Saïd considers a competitive score to be 650 or above.
Does the Oxford MBA program accept the GRE?
Yes. The Oxford MBA program has accepted the GRE for a few years now.
What is the average GRE score for admission to Oxford's MBA program?
Oxford Saïd considers GRE scores of 160 Verbal, 160 Quant to be competitive.
What is the minimum number of years of work experience required for admission to the Oxford MBA program?
Oxford Saïd states that candidates should have at least two years of work experience. However, it is important for candidates to be aware that they are being considered against other candidates with an average of 6 years of experience.
What is the average number of years of work experience for admission to Oxford's MBA program?
The average number of years of work experience among students in Oxford's MBA program is 6.
How long is Oxford's full-time MBA program?
Oxford Saïd offers a 1 year MBA program, starting in September.
What are the application deadlines for Oxford Saïd's full-time MBA program?
The Stage 1 deadline for Oxford Saïd's full-time MBA program is September 2, 2024. The Stage 2 deadline is October 1, 2024. The Stage 3 deadline is November 8, 2024. The Stage 4 deadline is January 6, 2025. The Stage 5 deadline is March 3, 2025.
The Class Profile
Oxford’s MBA class that entered in the fall of 2024 was comprised of 348 students. Women make up 48% of the class. The median GMAT score of the class was 680. At the time of matriculation, the average student in the class had completed 6 years of work experience.
A full 97% of the students who began Saïd’s MBA program in 2024 are international, representing 59 nationalities.
Application Procedures
Applicants to Oxford Saïd may apply in one of five stages, which take place in early September, early October, early November, early January, and early March. However, the school strongly recommends applying early. To apply, candidates must submit academic transcripts, a GMAT or GRE score, a one-page CV, an online application form, two academic or professional references, one essay, an online video assessment, and a £75 application fee. Applicants who are non-native English speakers should also send in a TOEFL or IELTS score. Once applications are completed, the admissions committee invites selected candidates to interview in person at Oxford, at overseas Information Events or via Zoom with a faculty member, sector consultant or senior administration member. Interviews are required for admission.
Application Checklist
- Online Application Form
- GMAT/GRE and TOEFL/IELTS (if applicable)
- CV
- Application Fee of £75
- Two References
- Academic Transcripts
- Online assessment
- Essay
Essay Topic Analysis
Recommendation Questions
Oxford / Saïd Q&A's
Oxford / Saïd LiveWire and DecisionWire
Saïd Business School employs over 80 professors, lecturers, readers and visiting professors who teach courses across the business school’s 13 subject areas. Additional researchers from the University of Oxford support the initiatives of Saïd Business School’s 12 research centers and initiatives, which cover topics such as real estate, business taxation, and entrepreneurship and corporate reputation.
Saïd Business School breaks down the teaching methods for its courses into four separate categories: 25 percent case study, 40 percent lectures, 10 percent simulation and 25 percent team projects. The school prides itself on teaching courses in partnership with industry practitioners to ensure material is relevant to real-life situations.
The 12-month program begins with a formal MBA Launch induction during September in which students attend lectures, participate in workshops, meet classmates, and familiarize themselves with Oxford. Prior to MBA Launch, students will have completed introductory academic coursework in addition to early-stage career planning. Classes start in early October. Saïd Business School structures its program into three terms of 10-week classes that stretch from October to June, referred to as the Michaelmas, Hilary and Trinity terms. Students then select one of three summer options, followed by a weeklong capstone course in September. There are two approximately month-long breaks in the winter and spring between the 10-week terms and a shorter break before the start of the summer session.
In the Michaelmas term, students take eight required core courses, covering business fundamentals such as finance, analytics, strategy, operations management, and accounting. Stu¬dents are also divided into small study groups that reflect the diversity of the class; these groups review course material together throughout the term. Starting in January of the Hilary term, students complete four elective courses alongside two more required courses. Finally, in the Trinity term, students take six elective courses out of roughly 25 options, covering academic areas from private equity to governance and ethics. During the summer, students can complete a seven -week strategic consulting project, or complete an internship for at least six weeks, or enroll in two shorter elective courses.
As part of the Oxford MBA emphasis on applied learning, students must complete an Entrepreneurship Project during the Trinity Term. In this project, students develop a business plan and then present it to a panel of investors. Students can gain further practical experience by working in teams of two to four during the summer on a Strategic Consulting Project for a corporate or non-profit sponsor. Students can also take part in the Global Opportunities and Threats Oxford initiative in which students assess opportunities and threats in the future of business.
Other MBA Degree Options
Beyond the 12-month full-time MBA program, Saïd Business School also offers a part-time Executive MBA program that takes place over 22 to 24 months. In addition, the school offers the Oxford 1+1 MBA program, which allows students to complete—in two years—an MBA and another master’s from one of 19 Oxford departments: the School of Geography and the Environment, the Department of Pharmacology, the Faculty of Medieval and Modern Languages, the Department of Education, the Oxford Internet Institute, the Department of Computer Science, the Blavatnik School of Government, the Nuffield Department of Clinical Medicine, the School of Global and Area Studies, the Department of Sociology, the Department of Statistics, the Department of Social Policy and Intervention, the School of Anthropology and Museum Ethnography, the Faculty of History, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Law, Humanities Division, Oxford Department of International Development, or the Centre for Criminology. There are a total of 36 dual-degree options across the participating departments.
Core Courses at Saïd Business School
- Business Finance
- Analytics
- Accounting
- Strategy
- Firms and Markets
- Organisational Behavior
- Marketing
- Technology and Operations Management
Degree Offerings at Saïd Business School
Full-time MBA Program
Oxford 1+1 MBA Program
Executive MBA
Campus Life
Clubs, Conferences & Competitions
Oxford Saïd students are welcome to join the more than 200 clubs and societies established at Oxford. For instance, the Oxford Entrepreneurs club is currently the largest entrepreneur group in Europe. The club organizes speaker series, business plan competitions, a mentorship program, meetings with angel investors, and an incubation center for students interested in launching a business while at the University. Students may also participate in a full range of sporting activities, from organized club sports such as hockey or rugby to more casual games of cricket on the business school lawn. Oxford University’s 43 colleges are another source of social activity and networking on campus. Every Oxford Saïd student is a member of one of the university’s colleges, which are known for their individual identities. Colleges often compete against one another in athletic events and host musical and theatrical performances.
In conjunction with its students and centers, Saïd Business School organizes a number of conferences each year. One such conference is the Oxford Saïd Entrepreneurship Forum, bringing together entrepreneurs and investors alike to discuss innovation, Oxford startups, and more. The Oxford Private Equity Institute also hosts the annual Risk Management Symposium, which brings industry stakeholders and academics to campus to discuss challenges and opportunities for risk management within the global private equity industry.
In addition, students may participate in a number of entrepreneur-related competitions. For example, the Saïd Business School Seed Fund invests in startups led by students and alumni.
Campus Spaces
The Oxford Saïd Business School building opened in 2001 and houses most of the MBA program. The building, arranged around an open courtyard, encompasses four lecture theaters, a common room, a 300-seat auditorium, an outdoor amphitheater and multiple seminar and project rooms. The two-story Sainsbury Library is also located in the building and offers two reading rooms for both quiet study and group work.
The Thatcher Business Education Centre opened in 2013 at Oxford Saïd, made possible by a donation of £15 million by the school’s original benefactor, Wafic Saïd. The facility has allowed the business school to expand its teaching and executive education operations.
Housing is not guaranteed, and students may accept accommodations offered by their college. Oxford MBA students may opt into one of eight colleges exclusively for graduate students or one of the 32 colleges and three private halls for undergraduate or graduate students. Students also have the option of renting rooms off campus.
MBA Careers
Career Services
Oxford Saïd’s Career Development Centre helps students with their job search, prepping for interviews and building their career-related skills. Senior executives specializing in different industries serve as sector consultants, offering expert advice to students in panel discussions and one-on-one meetings. The Career Development Centre also organizes industry panels, career treks, and workshops on résumés, networking and interviewing. Roughly 100 companies visit Saïd Business School each year to give corporate presentations, participate in career panel discussions, and recruit students for internships and full-time employment.
Career Statistics
311 students graduated from the Oxford MBA Class of 2023; 245 of those were seeking employment. Of the 199 graduates seeking employment, 80% had accepted a job offer within three months after graduating. The average salary was £91,198.
Of those who found employment, just over 27% went into consulting and roughly 32% into finance. About eleven percent joined the technology sector and nearly 18% joined global industry fields, such as healthcare, manufacturing, etc. Ten percent of Oxford graduates did not report seeking employment because they founded their own businesses.
Course fees for the MBA program for 2025 to 2026 are £83,770. Oxford Saïd notes that students should also budget between £16,140 and £23,460 for living expenses and course materials. A number scholarships are offered by Oxford Saïd: the Said Business School Foundation Scholarships for outstanding students with excellent demonstrated career potential, which cover up to £30,000 in tuition; the Oxford Black Leaders Scholarships for Black and Mixed Black applicants from the United Kingdom and North America, awarding up to £30,000; and the Skoll Scholarship, which covers tuition and offers a living expenses allowance for students with a record of social entrepreneurship. The school offers up to £30,000 to each admitted female student, through the Forte Foundation. Students may also seek out scholarship awards through the larger Oxford University. For students planning on using loans to finance their degree, Prodigy Finance offers a loan that will cover all of the tuition fees and living costs to all full-time MBA students. Saïd Business School encourages its international students to investigate the private, government and nonprofit lenders available in their native regions and countries.
One-Year Program Tuition
- Course Fees £83,770
- Living Expenses ~ £16,140 – £23,460
- Total £99,919 – £107,230
Recent News
Mailing Address:
MBA Office
Saïd Business School
Park End Street
Oxford OX1 1HP
Phone: +44 (0)1865 278804
Fax: +44 (0)1865 288805
Twitter: @OxfordMBA