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July 24, 2020 4:33pm ET
Note about Undecided
Round: Round 1
Received via n/a
GPA: 3.8
GMAT: 750
Post MBA Career Name: Consulting
Application Location: Virginia

I just want to share my thoughts and decision on why I have decided to attend bschool next year instead and what everyone else thinks. I just think it makes no sense to attend bchool this semester and have fewer opportunities for internships and by the time I graduate the economy will still be recovering. Also, the teamwork aspect of bschool is what makes it fun and you build lifelong connections. For how much money you spend on bschool is it really worth it to attend if you don't have these opportunities. I'd rather wait and attend when things are back to normal, I've see 2008 and how people struggled to get internships and jobs from bschool. So let me know your thoughts, I strongly urge everyone to really think through their decision to attend this fall

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